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Joss Whedon's Avengers: Age of Ultron Due May 1st 2015
By Andy Frisk
July 20, 2013 - 23:59
As reported at
Entertainment Weekly Joss Whedon, near the end of the Marvel panel at this years San Diego Comic-Con, revealed the title of the upcoming sequel to his smash hit
Marvel's The Avengers to be
Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
According to EW, the short teaser played for the crowd at the panel showed a battered, ruined, and eventually "pulverized" version of Iron Man's mask be replaced with Ultron's classically portrayed visage.
Age of Ultron was the title of a recently published "event" comic book series from Marvel Comics which was written by Brian Michael Bendis. While this comic book fan doesn't necessarily believe that we'll see a film where Ultron totally "pulverizes" the world like he does in the comic book version of
Age of Ultron, I do believe that shunting another alien invasion based storyline (i.e. one involving Thanons) is a pretty good idea since it avoids redundancy in the storytelling. While I was looking forward to seeing Thanos on screen in
Avengers 2, seeing Ultron just might be even more exciting.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40