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John Layman and Jason Fabok Takeover Detective Comics
By Dan Horn
July 5, 2012 - 11:24
While, John Layman didn't make my short list for writers to take over Detective Comics, he's in many ways better-equipped to write a Batman saga than his contemporaries that I'd previously listed. With a sharp wit and an unwavering dedication to the comic book medium, Layman, the award-winning writer of Image Comics' Chew, is in many ways the ideal man for this job. With Detective Comics #13 in October, we'll see what exactly he can bring to the currently flaccid Detective Comics series.
Illustrating the new Detective run is fan-favorite artist Jason Fabok. Fabok has been the understudy to many contemporary artists in the vein of Michael Turner and David Finch, but he's always shown a predilection for imbuing in his panels a certain imaginative depth and artistic liberty that his mentors were lacking. I think Detective will see Fabok come into his own, and fans will really become endeared to him and his work.
Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12