Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

JSA #10

By Geoff Hoppe
November 6, 2007 - 22:56

The black-costumed, Kingdom Come-universe Superman stars in JSA #10. He doesn't know how or why he got here, and the JSA is understandably suspicious. They lock him up, but the little son of a gun gets out and saves some random emo girl. Meanwhile, Jay (geezer Flash) and Wally (comparatively younger Flash) discuss the possibility that a parallel universe may have survived the DC editorial staff's best efforts to eliminate them.

The ultimate test of any writer is what he can do with a crappy concept. The ultimate test of any reviewer is his ability to avoid grandiose generalizations, but I’ll ignore that fact. Anyhoo, this story arc is Geoff Johns' ultimate writer’s test. A phenomenally talented writer, Johns has already resuscitated countless lifeless characters. Now it’s time to see what he can do with an unsuccessful story.

Kingdom Come was a terrifically illustrated miniseries that collapsed under its own pretentious weight. The tradition-heavy tale was more than a hymn to DC’s characters, it was a Versailles court drama with Superman playing Louis the 14 th’s part. This is all to say that hero-worship substituted for story in Kingdom Come, so I don’t hold out much hope for this current JSA storyline-- but if anyone can save this turkey, it’s Geoff Johns.

Dale Eaglesham’s consistent quality is mostly here, though a few action sequences come across as rushed. Alex Ross contributes a few paintings, which, of course, are fantastic.

Worth the money? Not this time--wait and see how #11 looks.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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