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Image United #2
By Hervé St-Louis
January 23, 2010 - 17:43
This issue, all the heroes of the various Image worlds unite and fight a series of villains unleashed against the world to commit destruction. But both the new Spawn and a new mysterious character seem to know what is going on and want to help the heroes prevent more death and destruction, but no one will let them. Will the heroes manage to save the world?
I apologize to people who want to read more constructive criticism rather and than a long list of witty comments about what is wrong with this comic book. I cannot find anything good in it and as I wrote earlier, if the second issue did not shape up, I would stop burning my money on this series. Nothing changed in this issue compared to the first. It might have been the first issue as the heroes are still in the process of discovering the threat against them. They all seem to be aware that something is brewing but are completely inept as to what it is and how to prevent any more trouble. This issue seems to want to capture the spirit of the great DC Comics crisis, where everything is upside down and the heroes have to regroup and fix the problem threatening their world. However, for as much I have criticized this formula in DC Comics used as recently as Blackest Night and Final Crisis, there’s nothing like a comic book as bad as Image United to show the amateurs how it’s really done when professionals do it. After having read Crisis of the Infinite Worlds, I find any similar story annoying. Yet, the DC Comics guys know how to make it work even if it’s not delightful. Here, it’s a pastiche of an old formula with a bunch of idiots who I barely know who keep grinning their teeth for all of 22 pages. Last year I awarded Secret Invasion a zero because of its racist contents, but for all the problems, I found with that series, it wasn’t as bad as Image United. There is nothing good here. This thing has no redeeming value except as an excuse for a bunch of old friends to jam up a comic book together that only makes sense and please them. There is nothing for the casual reader.
This series need an editor. I know the guys at Image Comics think that editors are there to make their lives miserable, but a strong editor would send the badly drawn pages back for retouching and make sure all the characters had proper anatomy and scales that matched one another when two artists share the same page and panel. Here, there is nothing but a mess and complete waste of raw talent.
Rating: -1 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20