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Honey, I'm Home Review
By Tony Farinella
August 6, 2007 - 20:43
Honey, I'm Home does the impossible: It portrays cheating in a comical and positive light. I know you're probably thinking: "Are you kidding me, Farinella?" The sad part about this review is that I can't talk about the ending, because it's a shocker, bygod! The film relies heavily on a major twist at the end. Even though this short film is only 5 minutes, it's an entertaining five minutes, to say the least. It keeps you guessing from the start and keeps on rolling until the end credits. That's not an easy task.
We open up our short film following our lead character, played by Jacob Magnuson, arriving home to finally come clean about his cheating past. He comes up with the usual excuses in his attempt to keep the peace. Jacob Magnuson does an impressive job carrying the film with his performance. He's able to be funny, sad, pathetic, and unique all in one. He's not afraid to put himself out there with this role. Hell, you even start to feel sorry for him, even though he's the cheater.
I can't go into any more detail with my review, because that would be giving away the big twist at the end of
Honey, I'm Home, a well made short film that uses strong writing and a strong performance by Jacob Magnuson to keep our interest. I'll just say this: Nothing appears as it seems in this film. You might think you have all the answers, but the filmmakers keep you on your toes. In today's cliched Hollywood world, it's refreshing to see creative writing on the Independent level
It's hard to review short films and even harder for them to get distribution, but if
Honey, I'm Home is playing at a film festival near you, it's worth your time. I look forward to seeing what the filmmakers might do with a bigger budget and a longer film. I think it would be a lot of fun to watch.
Until next time, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats!
Grade: B
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20