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Hercules: The Thracian Wars 1 of 5
By Andy Doan
May 13, 2008 - 05:20
Hercules The Thracian War #1 |
The legendary Hercules son of the God Zeus has been summoned by
the king of the
Odrysae tribe. With his group of loyal
followers at his side he makes the long journey from Greece into the
savage land of barbarians. While in the palace of the so called king,
Hercules finds a harsh welcome. Either by fate or desire swords are
drawn and the Greek warriors find themselves surrounded and seriously
out numbered. Just the way they like it.
have to admit to being a bit biased about this book. I knew that I was
going to enjoy it long before I read it. A few months ago I was
wondering why there wasn't more books based on mythical heroes
(Hercules being the most obvious). There is aninfinite range of stories
that can be told through semi historical figures without copyright or
continuity to worry about. A modern retelling for some of these ancient
super heroes is long over due.
One of the things I like about this underpopulated genre is the fact that it forces an author to tell a more intelligent
story. To put themselves in the minds of the characters writers are
forced to move beyond the schlock present in so much of the material
set in current times. How do you portray a death obsessed woman who
lives thousands of years prior to the invention of the goth culture?
Well beyond that is the question of how would these people speak? More
importantly, how would they think?
this issue all of these potential problems are addressed seamlessly.
Every character, every speech and every action fits perfectly within
the cultural theme of the story. The pace flows like all good comics
should, just like a movie. Text is used sparingly throughout adding to
the momentum of the story. The ending is abrupt and leaves you begging
for more.
Though the narration you are
given a glimpse into the mind set of these ancient warriors. Greek
people at this time were considered polytheistic meaning that they had
many gods. They believed that it was the gods that moved them to do
different things. Moods and desires were forced on them by the gods as
if they had no control over their personal actions. This belief system
seems to be carried by most of the characters in this book and to a
degree that it is entirely convincing. This is the most rewarding part
of the story to me. I'm tired of modern writers trying to attach
contemporary styles of thinking to non-contemporary characters. It's
much more interesting to see these people behave as they might have
during this era.
art work is well balanced against the narrative. Hercules is not meant
to be an icon and as such he's not displayed as one. In fact for most
of the book you never really get to see a clear view of his face. Most
panels are darkened and blurry with only light attention being paid to
the background scenes and characters. Action scenes are smoothly
handled and filled with just enough gore to let you know things are
serious. The main characters are designed in such a way as to be easily
followed from panel to panel no matter how fast the action gets. I'll
have to admit to letting the art take a second seat to the story on the
first run through. When I had a little longer to spend I found the use
ofsubtlety over style to be integral to my enjoyment of the book.
You'll likely be able to tell that I highly recommend
this title. With having read only one of the five in the series I'm yet
to assign it "Legendary" status. I'm willing to admit that there is a
lot that could go wrong from here on out. Having a great idea alone
doesn't provide immunity. I will say that everyone that enjoys a fresh
approach and an exciting story will get something out of this book. If
nothing else you'll enjoy the $1 cover price on thepremier issue.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20