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DC Comics
Hellblazer #12
By Paul Mason
August 2, 2017 - 16:07
Full disclosure I am not a regular reader of this title. Which is a disservice to whomever reads this review as I chose a sixth part of a story arc to jump onboard making it really hard to synopsize what is going on. I can tell you early on Constantine does what the character does which is seem cool and aloof in the face of pressure. I can also state as a newbie even though I didn’t know all the characters or all the plot details I was intrigued enough with this issue that this is a title I am going to start reading regularly.
And the art it was very different than your superman or batman art. But it works. John looks like the sloppy, yet surprisingly competent character he is reputed to be. When someone says they can smell last nights liquor on him you can almost see it as well.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20