Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Review: Green Lanterns #46


By Philip Schweier
May 2, 2018 - 04:43

I believe in taking every opportunity to surprise the audience. Toward that effort, I try to keep my reviews spoiler-free whenever I can. So I find it frustrating when the covers of the comic books I read feature a spoiler, however minor it may be. Because surprise is in the eye of the beholder, and while DC Editorial may not think it any great surprise, some readers might feel otherwise. In this case, there is a big reveal front and center. And I’m aware of the irony of presenting said cover right here on this very web page, but I really didn’t have any other option.

This issue continues the story from last time, in which Simon Baz has entered the power ring of Jessica Cruz. Once upon a time, she inherited it from Power Ring, the Earth 3 version of Green Lantern. But thanks to the powers of the Guardians of the Universe, it was converted into a Green Lantern Corps ring, though apparently not entirely.

Jessica is trapped in a world of her own making, reliving the psychological tipping point that filled her the fears and anxieties to which the Power Ring responded. And now she is forced to re-live that tragedy all over again, unless Simon – without his own power ring – is able to get to her first. He is tethered to the real world by John Constantine, whom the Justice League does not entirely trust. Why should they? He’s the kind of guy that would tug on Superman’s cape.

It’s an interesting opportunity to see Jessica in an entirely different manner, when she was much more confident. I like her as a character, though I am curious to see how her defining experience changes her on an emotional level. Given what I’ve seen so far, it seems so unlikely.

Rating: 8/10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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