Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Review: Green Lanterns #41


By Philip Schweier
February 21, 2018 - 05:07

The hunt for meta-humans continues, as the Capes app continues to identify the most likely candidates for the Super-Gulag of Space (why, yes, that is a Legion of Super-Heroes reference). Fortunately, Simon and Jessica are on the case, following leads wherever they may… lead.

In this case, they lead to the planet known as Hellhole, where crime drives the economy. They have managed to turn Scrapps, using a bit of stick and carrot. And thankfully, their rings can provide adequate camouflage to protect them on the planet where it aint easy being green. But it is here they find the biggest clue of all, but perhaps being a reader with omniscience over the DCU makes that easier.

I’d hoped for a bit of a break from the galaxy hopping, settling instead for simple cops-and-robbers type of stories. But in this era of Star Wars stories and galactic guardians, I can see where DC may want to broaden the scope of its universe, to ride that wave however far it may take them. Certainly the  Green Lantern movie has proved Earth-bound GLs stand little chance of success.

While Barnaby Bagenda made an auspicious debut last issue, this issue seems less noteworthy. Perhaps it’s the alien world-building that throws me. When I was in art school, many of my fellow students were remarkable at creating the fantastic, but truly sucked at drawing the boring and mundane. I’ve known many who can design a starship, but couldn’t draw a horse to save their life.

Rating: 7/10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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