By Philip Schweier
August 2, 2017 - 04:31
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Jessica may not be the most accomplished ring slinger in the known galaxy, but she’s got more experience that these seven newbies. Unfortunately, Simon’s ring has been destroyed, so he’s unable to add his own experience, and in the eyes of the others, he’s little more than a GL cosplayer.
As the story progresses, Baz laments the fact that he’s missing his best friend’s birthday. Technically, he’s not, since his best friend won’t be born for several thousand years. Such is the beauty of time travel, one which many writers overlook. Isolated moments are just that – isolated, and no longer subject to past, present or future.
But I do
enjoy a good time travel story, especially when it incorporates elements of the
DC Universe at large. Civilizations such as Krypton and Tamaran are given their
due. Though it would explain why Simon and Jessica are absent from the current
goings on in the pages of Hal Jordan and
the Green Lantern Corps.
Rating: 7/10