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Green Hornet #3
By Hervé St-Louis
May 4, 2010 - 18:49
Britt Reid Sr. is murdered by the Black Hornet in front of his son Britt Reid Jr. while the mysterious Asian woman fails to save the day. What’s going on? Can Reid Jr. exact vengeance on the Green Hornet or is the Black Hornet as different man? There was inconsistencies in this issue. Who exactly threw the Green Hornet darts at the home invaders last issue? It seems that it was this new Black Hornet character, but why would he attack his own men? The rest of this issue serves as the wake up call for Reid Jr. and will soon explain why he must become the new Green Hornet. The old Green Hornet, from what I gather in this series didn’t become vigilantes for revenge but for justice. It will be interesting to see the old Kato guide the new recruit. This issue is almost farcical. The old Kato really is Miyagi. It’s unfortunate that Green Hornet has to become the karate kid. Still this series is interesting, even if one knows exactly where it’s going next. It may not be the most thoughtful Kevin Smith project to date. The art is better, but Lau still cannot render martial arts as best as I would like. It’s not always clear what’s going on and that’s something that’s less fun for a comic book that relies so much on martial arts choreography.
Rating: 7.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20