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DC Comics
Green Arrow #32
By Hervé St-Louis
May 3, 2010 - 08:01
Green Arrow’s secret identity is busted and he is on trial for the murder of Prometheus. Can Green Arrow maintain his old friendships and save his marriage with the Black Canary? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to read here. Green Arrow’s secret identity has been busted? I thought everyone knew about him being Oliver Queen? Isn’t he married with the Black Canary a super heroine with no secret identity of her own? It’s a time like this that casual readers, like me who claim to not care much about continuity become continuity freaks. The story is ridiculous and makes no sense. The entire mayor storyline before that, where no one connected the dots was as ridiculous. But worse is the fact that we are supposed, as readers, feel that Green Arrow did something really bad. In Identity Crisis, the actions of the super heroes were genuinely wrong. There was a real tension and a feeling that a threshold had been crossed. But Green Arrow? The guy who’s been killing people since the mid 1980s is supposed to be a fallen hero now? This is ridiculous. It’s this type of stories that DC Comics is known for that ultimately cripples the company and draws a yarn from readers. They try to convince you that they are shocking you, while all the shocking is based on a fake and idealized world that really never existed after the 1960s. Dallacchio is a decent artist, but his inks are too thin. There is genuine quality to his work but he would look better with inks as thick as Paul Azaceta.
Rating: 6 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20