By Philip Schweier
March 14, 2018 - 08:48
issue of Gotham City Garage contains
two stories, the first a bit of a prologue to the second. It features Mercy
Graves, Lex Luthor’s right-hand woman who is in actuality this universe’s
Catwoman. She operates behind the lines of behalf of the Freeland, sometimes as
a source of intel, sometimes as a purveyor of sabotage.
She reappears in the second story, as the Garage faces down Luthor’s army of meta-human mercenaries and brainwashed lackeys. The Garage girds itself for battle, with Lois Lane recording the pre-battle anxiety for posterity, and the combatants – veterans and newbies alike – waxing philosophical. Kudos to the writers for moving the battle narrative along.
The first portion was illustrated by Darick Robertson. He has a style to his work that is a little bit John Severin, a little bit Brian Bolland. What they have in common is a line-work to their illustrations that adds texture.
The second portion was drawn by Brian Ching. I’m uncertain what his style is, unless his key motivation was “Get it done by deadline.” I often see comic book artwork that I don’t care for, but it’s rare that I see work I would describe as awful. Ching’s pages look like they were sketched out with a dirty fingernail, penciled but never inked.