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Marvel Comics
Giant-Size Thor Finale #1
By Hervé St-Louis
November 29, 2009 - 11:43
Review Marathon |
This is the last issue with Straczynski as writer. Here, he wraps up several of the intrigues he began two years ago while adding a few final touches to his now memorable rendition of Thor. The Asgardians will leave Doctor Doom’s Latvetaria. That’s good. But now, there is a set up to make Doctor Doom and even larger and more dangerous villain, especially with Loki by his side. I supposed this is a set up for Siege. The new team also shares a story in this book which introduces them. They pick up exactly where Straczynski left off. I think they have a good chance to continue making Thor one of the best Marvel Comics book around. Now if they can increase the action and the speed up the delivery of issues, Thro will be in good hands, although I’m not a fan of Billy Tan’s work.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20