Movies /
Animé and Toons
Ga-Rei-Zero: the Complete Series
By Chris Zimmerman
April 21, 2011 - 12:50
The first episode of an anime is meant to be a platform from which to instill in viewers a sense of wonder and to prepare them for what to expect from the series in the future. It’s rare that a first episode truly shocks me;
Ga-Rei-Zero did just that, with toms of action and an incredible twist that would keep any viewer guessing.
Of course a fist episode isn’t enough to recommend a whole series. Fortunately,
Ga-Rei-Zero has plenty going for it, not the least of which being exquisite animation, thrilling action scenes, and finely tuned characters. But despite the twists and demonic blood spattering,
Ga-Rei-Zero is a series about the bonds of friendship and the price paid to salvage them.
Without getting too entrenched in spoilers, the first episode of
Ga-Rei-Zero introduces viewers to a a faux cast, before each exists in a less than spectacular manner. There are a few tidbits hinting at past events relating to the current state of affairs that merely foreshadows the grisly events soon follow.
But enough about the first episode, let’s get into the meat of the series.
Ga-Rei-Zero hit airwaves after a stint as a manga title. The animated adaptation acts as a prequel of sorts, showing the development of Yomi and Kagura, the two most prominent characters of the series. When first introduced, their relationship is on the unsteady side, but with every passing minute, the two come closer together, coming to accept one another as the sister they never had.
As it turns out, Yomi is an exorcist, battling supernatural forces that feed upon the living. She is assigned to a special squad to combat these creatures and preserve the peace. Sadly though, her past is littered with tragedy, and before long, she falls under the thrall of the darkness. This leaves Kagura to inherit Yomi’s position as not only an exorcist but also her adopted sister’s executioner.
At only twelve episodes, the series moves at a brisk pace. There isn’t much room for filler and nothing is wasted. Even its more intimate moments move at a desirable speed that doesn’t feel slow or drawn out.
The series’ animation is simply gorgeous. The level of detail remains strong throughout, with the action scenes being prime examples of fluidity OVA quality. Some might consider the character designs to be bland, but they add to
Ga-Rei-Zero’s appeal andfit perfectly with the tone it means to convey.
This is
Funimation’s first DVD/ Blu-ray combo pack and is an overall strong first effort. The packaging is a thick cardboard case that houses two normal DVD cases that fits both the DVDs and Blu-rays. The only downside would be the size of the case conflicts with normal Blu-rays and might frustrate collectors who enjoy perfect symmetry on their shelves.
The extra features are housed on their own disc and are fairly meager in terms of content. These include promo videos, location reports, and the usual textless songs. Given the awesome content of the series, a little more depth in the bonus features department would have gone a long way in making this release one of the most well rounded
Funimation could have delivered.
Ga-Rei-Zero is an emotionally affecting series that captures audience’s attention from the get-go and never relinquishes its hold. While it’s not perfect, the quality is top notch and delivers in both production values and plot. Consider this the sleeper release of the year and a spectacle in every sense of the word.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20