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DC Comics
The Flash Rebirth #1
By Nathan Madison
April 2, 2009 - 20:31
The long-awaited
The Flash: Rebirth #1 begins with what one would think to be a retelling of Barry Allen's origin, at the Central City Crime Labs. The narrator is actually a (seemingly) new Flash villain, who has recreated the original accident that gave Barry his powers; this mystery speedster then speeds off, in search of his newly-resurrected nemesis. The issue then shifts to Barry, at the Flash Museum of all places, catching up on what has transpired since his "death" with Hal Jordan. Throughout most of the issue, the reader is shown exactly what Barry Allen means and represents to every generation of DC hero, from Jay Garrick and the Golden Age members of the Justice Society, to Wally West and his Titans, to the (also-recently-resurrected) Bart Allen and the Teen Titans. As the issue closes, an enemy speedster from Wally's past appears before Barry, relaying a cryptic message before suffering a horrible fate. . .
If you have read
Green Lantern: Rebirth, you know exactly what to expect from Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver on this title: an excellently written and exceptionally well-illustrated telling of the reemergence of a classic DC character intelligently into the modern DC Universe. Barry is perfectly characterized,
as if he never left the pages of his original book. Many of the fears held by fans concerning his resurrection are voiced by several characters, namely Bart Allen, who is somewhat resentful of the status quo possibly being changed due to his grandfather's return; these, and other issues are certainly going to be resolved by the end of Johns and Sciver's run, and shows that the creators are quite aware of many fans' concerns. There are no problems with lettering, and the coloring is as vibrant as the lightening bolts that flash (no pun intended) throughout the book.
There are no great revelations concerning the circumstances behind this beloved character's return; the issue, rather, is focused on returning Barry to his life among his co-workers, friends, and family. And this is the ideal method to take when approaching an icon of this level; Barry needs to be reminded of his past, and eased into his new life, just as the readers need to be eased into the actuality of his return.
This is an excellent issue, for both longtime Flash fans, as well as what can be considered a perfect jumping-on point for new readers. If Johns and Van Sciver's previous work is any indication, this series will definitely be among some of the best DC work to be produced in recent years.
Welcome back, Barry. You've been missed.
In this issue, there is also a seven-page preview of the much-anticipated
Power Girl ongoing series, by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner. It looks like it will be just as good as the trio's previous entries into the Power Girl mythos, began in the first few issues of
JSA Classified. May can not come fast enough.
Rating: 9.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20