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DC Comics
Flash Rebirth #1
By Hervé St-Louis
June 15, 2016 - 11:09
In The Flash Rebirth special issue, readers see Barry Allen’s perspective of his meeting with Wally West, the former Kid Flash. Barry Allen, the Flash, starts wondering if a new murder that is eerily similar to the one that took his mother away when he was a child is related.
Many people liked this comic but it’s a filler issue. It retreads half of the material from Rebirth #1 and only marginally adds to the intrigue. There is an extended discussion between Wally and Barry that might be satisfying to old time readers but not much else develops in this issue.
I like having Carmine di Giandomenico working on this series. Its been a while since a guy named Carmine drew the Flash and for some odd reason, he draws his character with the same elongated limbs that look unattached to thetorso, like Flash creator Carmine Infantino! Di Giandomenico’s interpretation of the Flash is really an updated take from Infantino, down to certain memorable poses that old time readers will recognize.
This comic visually and storywise play on readers’ nostalgia a lot. That’s not a problem for me. That’s the place of the Flash in the DC universe and Williamson understands and pulls thee strings constantly.
Rating: 8.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20