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DC Comics
Flash #7
By Colin Andersen
December 9, 2010 - 20:03
Flash is one of those comic books that jumps to the very top of my list every time an issue is released. Personally, I have found it to be one of the most entertaining books so far this year and easily the best book to come out of Brightest Day. The first story arc of the book, “The Dastardly Death of the Rogues” strong and ended with a bit of a whimper, but that has barely affected my interest in the book. I’ve been really looking forward to the Flashpoint story that Geoff Johns has been building up to so I was excited to see what he had in sleeve for this issue. Unfortunately, this issue is not quite what I was hoping for, though that doesn’t make it bad.
This issue focuses on the recently-reborn Captain Boomerang. After his run in with his old pals The Rogues in the previous couple issues, Boomerang is looking for some answers to questions surrounding his revival. What’s an evil boomerang-based villain to do when he needs answers like that? Break back into prison of course! Let’s just say that Captain Boomerang has a certain “friend” back in Iron Heights who he thinks might be able to shed some light on his current situation, even if it puts him on the bad side of the Rogues. This issue is equal parts following him on this journey into the prison and following him into his own memories and his backstory.
A lot of this issue just screams “filler” and, for the most part it is. It is not, however, dull. I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed most of the issue despite how little I have historically cared about any of the Captain Boomerangs. Johns does an excellent job making you actually care about Digger Harkness even if you have never heard of him before. His backstory is certainly less dynamic and explosive that many super villains, but it is rather dramatic and it is hard not to sympathize with him at points. I was impressed with how little I missed the titular character (he doesn’t appear in any panel outside of flashbacks). Unfortunately, I did miss at points and the issue would have absolutely been better with at least a little Barry. As entertaining as it is at times,
Flash #7 is little more than buildup for
Flashpoint. It’s important all the same, but I can’t help but feel that the flashback could have been left out and this issue could have been made half of an issue, leaving room for more of the actual flash in the back half.
One area that I cannot complain is in the art. As much as I have loved Francis Manapul on pencils so far, Scott Kolins does a superb job taking over for the month. To be completely honest, I made it through a good chunk of this issue without even realizing that it wasn’t Manapul illustrating. This is a damn good looking book and any
Flash fan will be ecstatic to see Kolins drawing a
Flash book even if there is almost no Flash to be seen. No one has ever made a boomerang look more lethal than Kolins does here. Also, for the first time, the Reverse-Flash actually looks threatening. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be glad to have Manapul back, but Kolins does more than an acceptable job substituting. Credit also has to be given to colorist Brian Buccellato. He really brings Kolins art as close to Manapul as a person could humanely hope for. Amazing work here.
Geoff Johns keeps up with his high-quality work this month.
Flash remains at the top of my reading pile month in and month out. That being said, if you miss this issue for whatever reason, you won’t be missing much. I would begrudgingly have to say that this is probably the worst issue so far of the new
Flash series, but that still is not much of an insult. Even when it’s just filler without its main character, Johns still manages to make a fun read. I hope things pick up some when the next issue drops in two weeks, but I still enjoyed myself this issue.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20