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Marvel Comics
Fantastic Four #585
By Hervé St-Louis
November 28, 2010 - 11:19
Galactus travels with Reed Richard to his homebase to investigate the issue of his future corpse being on the alternate planet. Elsewhere Prince Namor reneges on the mediation hosted by Sue Richard and attacks the delegate of another underwater world.
This story is solid although a bit slow. I don’t understand what the promise of the Fantastic Three was in Marvel Comics’ promotional material. I don’t understand Prince Namor’s actions either this issue, but that’s good. It will lead to more intrigue in future issues. It seems like many longstanding plot points and hallmarks of the Fantastic Four are assembled in this storyline to bring everything to a giant climax. For example, Galactus, Namor’s infatuation with Sue, Ben turning into a human are all longstanding plot points. The story is good and treats the Fantastic Four like a mature super hero team that has seen a lot. That could be one problem. It seems that everything has been done with the characters, like adding new members, killing them for a while, removing their powers. I wonder what else they can do with this book.
Epting is a great artist. He’s like a mix of Alan Davis and Bryan Hitch. If I have one criticism, it’s that he needs a stronger inker to strengthen his lines. In many panels, they look almost half-closed. Beyond that it all looks nice and has great colouring by the unmatchable Paul Mounts.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20