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DC Comics
Detective Comics 935
By Andy Doan
June 22, 2016 - 22:03
Detective 935 |
The latest issue of the newly born team drama kicks off with an all out war. They’re in deep trouble and they are showing signs of stress. Luckily they're saved from devastation in the same way we’ve seen in every team comic book since the 80s. So they’re not quite ready for prime time and they seem to be at odds with group’s second in command. That’s okay they have time to work things out, there doesn’t seem to be a direct threat yet.
I found that this book where light on action serves its purpose setting up the direction for the where this series will take us. The group is settling into their new hi-tech crime fighting lab in the middle of the city and they’re kind of working out the who’s who at the zoo. Batwoman is the front line leader clearly. Robin seems destined to take a back seat maybe even bow out completely. Batman although only lightly featured may become the damsel in distress for the group’s first rescue effort.
The artwork in this title is good and great. Batwoman has been handled masterfully. Her coloring and tones hearken back to her debut in this title back in 2009. Where some of the between panels are off they frame up the main bits well. Also panels were the characters are out of costume (I’m thinking the two page spread in Stephanie’s apartment) are just hard to get through. However the artist does take time to do Batman and the Batmobile right. Also seeing a field of Jokers melt into a puddle of mud was particularly satisfying.
I think this is a good Rebirth book. It doesn’t carry the weight and scale as others I have read like Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Aquaman but it was a fine read. I do like the gang of misfits they’ve gathered and I’m genuinely interested in seeing where this title goes from here.
Rating: 7.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20