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DC Comics
Detective Comics # 965
By Paul Mason
October 4, 2017 - 10:30
Events all over the place. There is Dark Knights Metal. Then there is the DC Watchmen upcoming event that this seems to be a prelude for. Recent revelations showed Mr. Oz is none other than Jor-El. And it is surmised this will lead to a Rebirth Watchmen meshing of universes.
The cover promises Tim Drake facing off against Mr. oz. But the majority of this issue is a dialogue between the characters. Set up is respected. Then again so is plotting and it is nice in comics to have a bit more action than this does, mostly it rehashes Drake's evolution into Robin and then Red Robin.
Tynion can seemingly make paint drying exciting, yet he barely misses the mark in this issue. While it is nice to have Tim Drake center of “the action” the fact I put action in quotation marks may be a subconscious critique of Detective 695.
The art keeps this from being a complete snorefest. Broad strokes and sharp lines fill every panel. There are slight inconsistencies about the way Tim is drawn, yet this may be seen as a matter of perspective. And the final splash page really complements the cliffhanger.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20