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Dark Wolverine #85
By Hervé St-Louis
May 2, 2010 - 11:55
Wolverine recruits his son, Daken, the Dark Wolverine so they can team up to take down Romulus, the man who trained Daken. But Daken is his own man and betrays his father. But can Daken really trick his own father or is there a greater plot at work? I like that Wolverine is no longer treated as an idiot next to Daken. I like that Daken has been taken down one peg and that his sexuality is his downfall. He’s not that smart, just a psychopath. What I didn’t like was the clear cut break from the last storyline where no explanation about where Daken ended up after the Siege were given. The last issue of Siege is next week and I know this series is not meant to spoil that, but some better transition is warranted. I felt like I had missed an issue. I’m not a fan of Segovia. He seems to me like another of those Leinil Francis Yu clone artist. Maybe with an inker that did not reinforce Yu’s style it would have worked better. On the other hand if you like Yu’s work, this comic book is for you.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20