
Blog: New Artist & Breakdonws Category

By Hervé St-Louis
February 14, 2017 - 09:54

It has dawn on me for the last year or so that the way that we classify artists when doing reviews at the Bin was insufficient. Because many artists now use digital techniques, the need for inkers has decreased. Currently, the other reviewers and I use the penciller filed to enter information about artists who performed all of the artwork, and sometimes the colours.

Another issue which funnily is at the diametric opposite is the use of breakdown artists. Breakdown artists have been working in comics for years preparing the layouts and the rough sketches before a penciller draws over. Larry Hama and Keith Giffen are two well-known breakdown artists.

Breakdowns artists are usually amazing storytellers but do not have to render finish artwork. To recognize the variety of creators working in comics, I've added fields for ComicBookBin staff to enter artists who do everything and are neither pencillers or inkers, since often they work digitally. Breakdown artists are also recognized.

You can see an example of this in my latest review of Deathstroke #12 and Super Powers #4.


Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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