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Black Panther: The man without Fear #513
By Hervé St-Louis
December 18, 2010 - 22:30
Daredevil is gone and Black Panther has taken over the city. He has created a new identity for himself as he needs to find himself and his ways. But now with reduced powers, will the Black Panther be enough to stop Vlad the Impaller the new would be kingpin of Hell’s Kitchen?
I really like how Liss set up the story. It’s very string and very linear. Within one issue he has built a conflict between T’Challa and Vlad that may rage on for years. The exposition and creation of the backgrounds of each character was well done. One thing I don’t like is T’Challa’s inner voice. He’s not compelling yet, almost too logical. However, that logic is nowhere to be seen in the actions of the man and his fight against crime. I’ve read some compelling character profiles of T’Challa in the last few years, and Liss has not quite mastered the potential intensity of the character even if the story is very strong and worth reading next month. I was hoping there would be some whisper of Daredevil’s whereabouts, but nothing was available. Last issue, the other writer, Andy Diggle mentioned how Black Panther was much faster than Daredevil. This issue, we learn that he’s not such a great fighter, now that he doesn’t have his powers. Some consistency would be recommended.
Francavilla draws a pulp Black Panther that feels like he’s from the 1950s. I like it. The Clark Kent secret identity trick is funny too. I like all the gear the Black Panther carries around. The fights scenes were interesting. Can’t wait to see more from this team.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20