Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Review: Batwoman #16


By Philip Schweier
June 20, 2018 - 11:49

Batwoman is so full of shit. Her sister is schizo, vascillating between mentally ill and homicidally crazy. The homicidal part is enough to make Batman want to put her in Arkham. But Batwoman aint having it. She knows sending her to Arkham will cement her killer Alice persona. And she’s willing to fight Batman to prevent that.

I take issue with this plot development because it wasn’t too long ago (Detective Comics #974, I think) that Batwoman’s teammate Clayface was on the verge of homicidal rage. Rather than extend mercy, she took matters into her own hands, shooting him dead. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and Batwoman is willing to defy Batman (again), but this time in the opposite direction.

To DC’s credit, this matter is addressed later in the story, putting Kate Kane on double secret probation. Maybe Batman’s issue is not with her decision-making, but instead on the flimsy premise by which she defeats him. I won’t spoil it, but it’s about as meaningful as Bruce’s mother being named Martha.

I am uncertain what audience this title is intended. To see Batman defeated so simply would probably offend most Bat-fans. But it’s not his book, so maybe he shouldn’t even be in it. I’d prefer to see Batwoman challenged by her own rogue’s gallery, and respectfully suggest creative efforts be made in creating some suitable villains for her.

Rating: 6/10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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