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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #6
By Hervé St-Louis
February 6, 2017 - 11:42
The Huntress faces her most emotionally charged test as she must decide whether she will kill her mother who is a wanted criminal boss in Gotham City and also responsible for the death of the heroine’s father and brother. Can Batgirl and Black Canary dissuade Huntress from assassination?
This issue wraps up the first storyline reintroducing the Birds of Prey in the Rebirth era. This story has taken care to build the heroines with a mix of older themes and new ones that have yet been explored, like Black Canary’s new origin. Interestingly, the main theme has been about family, specifically parents and their legacies on the characters. Each one’s live has been shaped by parents.
So Huntress’s storyline ends here and no matter what decision she took, it cemented her relationship with Black Canary and Batgirl. The dynamic is almost there but it is not as sharp and clear as when Gail Simone wrote the series. What differentiates Black Canary from Batgirl is not as obvious as the former has taken some of the edge usually reserved for the Huntress, oddly enough. Black Canary is still confident but in action scenes, I don’t know if she is the best martial artist of theme or just another pair of fists. The new Oracle character continues to be morally ambiguous which means there is more to his story in future issues.
While I liked the artwork, I have to severely criticize the use of
black palms in the colouring. The new Oracle is black but his palms should have no melamine and hence not coloured brown. Colourist Allen Passalaqua should pay attention.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20