Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Bat Lash # 1 (of 6)

By Koppy Mcfad
December 15, 2007 - 03:35


The origin of DC Comics western hero, Bat Lash is told in this tale where a teenaged Lash runs afoul of a corrupt sheriff and an evil rancher-- even while he romances the rancher's daughter. The story sets up the character well although there is a shortage of action. In fact, poor Bat doesn't even pick up a gun in this story, which may disappoint the readers who expect the first issue of any comic to grab their attention by the throat. Still, the characters do come across quite effectively and the writer does build up suspense well, allowing us to truly wonder what happens next. Some of the characters seem to be too much like "new-Western" stereotypes-- the wisecracking Indian best-friend, the wicked sheriff, the concerned Hispanic mother-- but the clever dialogue helps transcend the stereotypes.

Of course, the art by veteran John Severin really helps bring the story to life, making all the characters memorable, even minor players like the servants in the background. The body language, the lay-outs of the panels, all help tell the story, not distract from it by yelling 'hey, look at me." At the same time, the art is simply very pretty to look at. This book really lets Severin show just how good he is, especially in four colours. If anything, the interior art makes Simonson's cover look rather drab and stiff.

Hopefully, coming issues will deliver more action and gunplay. Just the same, this issue gets three and a half stars out of five.

Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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