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The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Season 2 Episode 20
By Hervé St-Louis
June 18, 2012 - 19:15
A smoke bomb is launched within the headquarters of the Avengers transforming them and the nearby population into red-faced weaklings. Secretary of defence Dell Rus is treating the Avengers as public enemy #1 and is planning to put an end to them. Can the Avengers stop the transformation that affects their numbers and the public and stop the opt team hired to oppose them?
This was a good episode that made me cringe briefly and then it was all okay! When I first saw Captain America transforming into a creature, I thought he was going to become a Marvel zombie. I cringed. But when they showed his reaction at his face through a reflection on Iron Man’s armour, I understood right away that we were dealing with the Red Skull. It made everything better!
Now the story continues to show the Winter Soldier who comic book readers already know is Bucky, Captain America’s old partner brainwashed and ready at the control off villains. I like how the Falcon continues to appear here. That he was a henchman for the Red Skull fits his comic book origin perfectly. Now, I’m not too familiar with all of Doc Samson’s history so I don’t know exactly what his angle here is. Can I say that I miss Wonder Man and would like to see him join the Avengers? But with the series not being renewed does it even matter? This incarnation of the Avengers is very satisfying as a comic book fan to watch. It’s not a good as Young Justice, at least not this season, but it’s a solid show nonetheless.
I like the constant banter that the heroes have, such as Iron Man competing against Hawkeye about who is the best shot (although Iron Man cheated by using technology to make his shot miles wide. The series is very satisfying to me although I continue to notice that the animation just isn’t as good as it was the first season. I guess with the decision to cancel the series and start a new movie-related Avengers cartoon series, there is no incentives for Marvel Animation and Disney to create farm out the work to the best animation studios in Asia.
Rating: 8.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20