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Avengers Academy #3
By Colin Andersen
August 21, 2010 - 21:41
To be completely honest, I was worried when I heard that Avengers Academy would be heading into a crossover story starting in its third issue. It seemed way too early for these characters to be getting mixed up in another book and I didn’t think the main characters of the book would have enough time to be developed. Luckily for me and everyone else, writer Christos Gage, in only the first two issues, made each of the kids this series focuses on fairly well realized. It also helps that the setting, a “Scared Straight” program in the super-villain prison The Raft, is somewhere where a crossover like this makes perfect sense.
Issue #3 starts with some back story on one of the new Avengers trainees, Hazmat, and what it was like for her to suddenly develop deadly toxin producing powers. It’s a pretty potent scene and you can really sympathize with her and her plight. There are also some guest Avenger teachers that show up in this issue, including Iron Fist teaching the arrogant Finesse some much needed lessons and Valkyrie, in a rather strange scene, teaching the girls about the wonders of certain “toys.” However, once the kids find out about their field trip and Hazmat discovers that a certain Norman Osborn is being held there, she begins to form a plan. The actual time spent with the Thunderbolts on The Raft is fun and I especially enjoyed their time with the Juggernaut.
Part of why this issue it so entertaining is because Gage excels when it comes to writing the characters of the people in his book. Even though he created half the characters here, they all feel real and seem to have real emotions. As much as Finesse’s arrogance and conniving annoys me and Hazmat’s anger seems clichéd, it is actually all justified in their character and it is hard to blame them for being the way they are. One of my favorite moments was actually one of the smallest: the scene with Justice and Speedball. I have been really excited to see Speedball get some redemption after his past few years where he walked the line between good and bad, but he hasn’t shown up much in the series. There some nice hints here that maybe he hasn’t quite distanced himself from those years as much as everyone thinks and it certainly has me intrigued. I want to see more of this subplot soon.
On the art side, I am surprised to say that I enjoyed the art in
Avengers Academy #3 quite a bit. Normally, I’m not fan of Mike McKone’s artwork; it just seems too simple and bland and everyone has the same face, but he really seems to be improving. His character designs seem to getting much more nuanced and peoples’ faces are even starting to show varying emotion. This a huge step up from his previous works and really helps the book a lot. I think some of this can be credited to his inker, Andrew Hennessy, who really adds some much needed crispness to McKone’s linework. I am pretty pleased to say that if this keeps up, McKone might be able to count me as one of his many fans from now on.
I’m getting more and more impressed with
Avengers Academy as it goes on. I don’t think it’s quite as good as Secret or New Avengers, but it is certainly working its way up. There is definitely a lot of teen angst going around, but that is to be expected and it is handled quite well. I’m curious to see where this crossover goes from here because it obviously won’t end like the end of the issue would have you believe and I trust Gage to make it fun. If you want a little more teenage drama and maybe some murderous tendencies in your Avengers, then look no further.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20