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Marvel Comics
Avengers #6
By Hervé St-Louis
October 31, 2010 - 07:05
The Avengers of the present convince Ultron to allow Kang to defeat him thereby preventing the destruction of the Earth in the future. While Ultron debates the merits of the plan, the world and the time stream continues to be a wreck. Will the Avengers save the day?
I like the break in pace in this issue and it’s probably one of the first since this series’ relaunch where something happened. There wasn’t much of a fight, but the characters all had something intelligent to say. I like issues like this and the mission the future Tony Stark entrusted to the new one. I wonder how long he’ll keep his promise. Bendis is obviously setting up a multiyear epic here that he will probably resolve at the end of his tenure on all Avengers series. It seems that he wants to keep ongoing for a long time, so Tony Stark’s secret will play an interesting role in future stories. As for the kid Avengers of the future, I hope we see more of them soon enough and that they continue to play a role in the story. They seemed neither good, neither bad. I like that.
Romita’s work was bettet this issue and less sloppy than I remembered. I especially like the last page with all the Avengers commenting on the new recruit and how the multiple panels showed their expressions. It’s drawings like those on that page that made Romita a popular artist in the first place. It’s simple work with but a few lines that capture so much energy. When he rushes his work, it’s easy to perceive that. By the way, I like how everyone but Wolverine appeared to be drink hot chocolate or tea. Wolverine had a beer instead!
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20