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All New X-Men #5 Review
By Alexander Jones
January 2, 2013 - 19:46
Another Wednesday means another wonderful issue of
All New X-Men. This story continues to surprise, wonder. and excite readers who are at all interested in the X-Men. This issue in particular has something for everyone and contains great callbacks to X-Men stories in the past. Along with an old X-Men maturing and a mutant completely transforming.
All New X-Men has been firing on all cylinders since it’s first issue and in the comics industry where things are rapidly changing, more people need to take a step back and embrace the title. One of the first things any reader of this book will notice is the incredible cover penciled by Stuart Immonen which is very reflective on the wonderful issue that is loosely centered around the late great Jean Grey.
The younger Jean Grey has taken a large new step beyond her initial naive character when the series started. Comic Books are a collaborative medium which Brian Micheal Bendis and Stuart Immonen really capitalize on. Particularly in the sequence where Beast gives Jean the memories of the now deceased older Jean Grey. It is a splash that will really reward longtime readers of X-Men and stretch their current memories of the character. Going back to Jean’s Marvel Girl costume was another very cool moment in this wonderful issue. The resolution of the plot thread with Beast’s cardiac arrest was another very important development because the character was on the verge of death just last issue. The explanation of why Beast was sick was a clever way of welding old superhero continuity into a new a spin for the series. The interaction of new and old Beast was enticing and well thought out. Towards the end of the comic readers are introduced to a new look for Beast which is interesting but a little bit dull. Not killing the character of Beast was also a smarter way for the series to continue because there is obviously more story waiting to be reaped from him.
Another exciting aspect of the issue was Bendis touching on some of the newer mutants which can hopefully stick to continuity after they are fleshed out. Cyclops is incredibly fascinating to watch right now ever since he has become the mutant martyr. While this new spin on Cyclops has been nothing short of controversial it adds weight to the characters of
All New X-Men and gives the story purpose. This new mutant that Cyclops interacts with is a new type of shape-shifter that blends into his environment. Unfortunately, Stuart Immonen is departing after this issue. However,
All New X-Men readers are going to be graced by the pencils of the lovely David Marquez. It is wonderful to have such a solid title in truly great hands to look forward to almost every other week.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20